Thank You Letters
Read what our patients are saying about our treatments.
Table of Contents - Thank You Letters
Thank You - COVID-19 Patient
A Thank You Note
So, I had it, yes, covid-19. Like for most of us the symptoms were not pleasant. I want to thank Rachel R. Alkalay and Novel Concepts for the medication they provided me. It helped with eliminate the symptoms swiftly and so that I could be back on my feet asap.
Gilad Schafman
Thank You - COVID-19 Treatment Patients
I want to thank from the bottom of my heart, for the tremendous help to my and my husband’s healing process that the drug you have developed has given us.
On 26.8, my husband and I were found verified for Corona in a pcr check. During this time my husband coughed a lot for a few days, had a high fever, muscle aches and I had similar symptoms, plus low restoration (93), severe headaches, dizziness, chest pains, severe stinging cough, difficulty breathing and high fever (close to 39) .
My medical condition worsened and all the symptoms I described got worse day by day. To my delight, I learned about the medicine your company was developing and asked for their help. On Monday 30.8 early in the morning I took the first dose of medicine and so did my husband. Throughout that day my husband started to feel better and the next morning, 31.8, 2 home tests showed he was negative. There was a benefit in coughing, he got stronger and really started to recover and recover. It took me another day, and on the morning of 1.9 my home test was also negative. The cough subsided, the breathing was significantly light, the fever of both of us dropped completely.
From that day my husband is in a wonderful recovery process. I continue to slowly strengthen my body and seem to be dealing with post-disease symptoms, especially weakness and dryness. At the same time, the healing that the drug has brought is immense and significant. This drug was really a lifesaver for both of us. Took us out of a serious illness and allowed us to begin the healing process and recovery.
I am grateful for the privilege of using a drug developed by novel concept medical. Guess without this drug I would have gone through the coronary ward in the status of a seriously ill patient. While taking it allowed for a very quick and significant healing.
I wish that every patient who needs this help will receive it and that this wonderful company, will continue to develop the drug and support a miraculous healing process as we have gone through.
Thank you very much,
Tali Brecher
Thank You - COVID-19 with Medium - severe symptoms Patient
A Thank You Note
“I had every possible nightmarish symptom of COVID-19 …
There is no doubt that without the taking the treatment of Novel Concepts Medical my medical condition would have been different …
Wishing you a good week and a really happy new year!”
Kinneret Ben Chemo, Israel
Thank You - Covid-19 Chronic, Autoimmune disease Patient
A Thank You Letter
Dear friends at Novel Concepts Medical
We’re writing to you, because it’s important for the world to know.
At the beginning of April, two days apart from each other, my daughter (21 years old) and me, both vaccinated with three vaccines, fell sick with coronavirus. Our symptoms included heavy coughing, fever, sore throat, muscle aches, headaches, weakness, and fatigue. In a nutshell, the whole shebang.
After about three days of suffering and worrying (I have a chronic, autoimmune disease that puts me in a high-risk group), I contacted Rachel R. Alkalay, a longtime acquaintance and CEO of Novel Concepts Medical, to volunteer for the research in the plants-based syrup (which the company developed, as a cure for Covid-19).
Not only was the response immediate, wonderful Racheli herself, came over at midnight and brought the medication for both of us.
Most importantly, within 24 hours, a significant decrease began across the set of symptoms, and within three days the bulk of them disappeared completely.
We would like to thank, the company’s team, for their professionalism that was expressed first of all, naturally, in the tremendous professional achievement of developing an exceptionally effective cure for the Covid 19 virus infection, but also in the systematic and meticulous daily monitoring, through individual reporting tools after the progress of the medicine effect, and not least for the caring and human attitude expressed both in the immediate response to our call for help, and in the continuous interest in our well-being.
Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts
Maayan Amitay
Nohav Mjolnir Amitay
*** Hebrew Translation ***
Novel Concepts Medical
אנחנו כותבים לכם, כי חשוב שהעולם ידע
בתחילת אפריל בהפרש של יומיים זה מזה, חלינו הבת שלי (בת 21) ואני, שנינו מחוסנים בשלושה חיסונים, בקורונה, עם סימפטומים של שיעול כבד, חום, כאבי גרון, כאבי שרירים, כאבי ראש, חולשה ועייפות. בקיצור, השמחה כולה.
אחרי כשלושה ימים של קושי, סבל ולא מעט דאגה (אני חולה במחלה כרונית, אוטואימונית, המציבה אותי בקבוצת סיכון גבוהה), יצרתי קשר עם רחל אלקלעי, מכרה ותיקה ומנכלי”ת Novel Concepts Medical, בבקשה להתנדב למחקר בסירופ מבוסס הצמחים, שהחברה פיתחה, כתרופה לקוביד 19.
לא רק שההיענות הייתה מידית, רחלי הנפלאה בעצמה, הגיעה אלינו ב24:00 בלילה כדי להביא את התרופה עבור שנינו.
חשוב מכל, תוך 24 שעות, מתחילת לקיחת התרופה של Novel Concepts Medical החלה ירידה משמעותית, לכל רוחב מערך הסימפטומים, ותוך שלושה ימים נעלם לחלוטין חלק הארי שלהם.
אנחנו רוצים להודות, לכל צוות החברה, על המקצוענות שבאה לידי ביטוי ראשית כמובן, בהישג המקצועי האדיר של פיתוח תרופה אפקטיבית באופן יוצא דופן, אך גם במעקב היומי השיטתי והמדוקדק, באמצעות כלי דיווח פרטניים אחרי התקדמות השפעת התרופה, ולא פחות מכך על האכפתיות והיחס האנושי שבאו לידי ביטוי הן בהיענות המיידית לסיוע והן בהתעניינות הרציפה במצבנו, שלומנו והרגשתנו.
תודה מקרב לב
מעין אמיתי
נאהב מיולניר אמיתי
Thank You - Pneumonia and Alzheimer’s Disease Patient
A Thank You Letter
I would like to thank from the bottom of my heart Dr. Rachel Alkalay,
For her support and help in my father’s illness
Yair Abba Rahamim 90 year-old native of Israel lives in Holon who has been diagnosed with dementia a decade ago
Over the years, my father’s condition deteriorated
It started with violent anger attacks and confusion
Fatigue and exhaustion lack of concentration and unwillingness to eat
My sisters and I and my mother took him to a specialist professor who specializes in dementia
My father started taking sedatives and psychogeriatric drugs and he needed treatment 24 hours a day by a close therapist
Over the years a decline began and my father became a long-term care patient who needed a 24/7 caregiver
A few months ago my father got pneumonia and was hospitalized at Wolfson Hospital
I talked to Dr. Rachel Alkalay and told her about the situation. She calmed me down and told me about her research and work and of course about the new treatment given by drops. That night at midnight a special delivery arrived with the treatment.
At the day we started the treatment, I updated Rachel that my father was released from the oxygen balloon and the antibiotics he needed before were stopped
My father was released home the next day we continued the treatment at home Dad quickly changed became stronger became positive started positive to eat and drink and smile to the environment started talking a few words what did not happen before and logically answered questions
So Rachel is dear and beloved
Yeshar Choach ( In hebrew) Thanks for everything Keep exploring to develop and evolve further – a promising future is awaiting for you
Huge thanks from the bottom of my heart
Today, 10 months after my father got the treatment, he is still feeling fine and answers our questions, like how do you feel, did you have a good night sleep, did you eat today, do you love me and miss me? This communication was not possible before your treatment of my 90-year-old father diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease 10 years ago.
Esther Yair, daughter of Yair Rachamim
A miracle for the world

Credit: Family photo
Thank You - Winter Cold / Flu Symptoms Patient
Since the kids started going to a childminder, we started getting sick about once a month, It always comes with running nose, weakness and sometimes fever and last for usually 5-7 days of taking cold medicine.
This time I decided to try the treatment (25 X 2 drops) starting the second day of sickness and by the third day of sickness I started to see improvement and by the fourth day I wasn’t sick anymore.
This great improvement of recovering in 3 days compared to 5-6 is highly appreciated, thank you very much.
Sincerely grateful,
Yaniv Zaidner
Thank You - Chronic Winter Coughing Patient
A Thank You Note
13-year-old Arielle has a history of chronic winter coughs. In October 2021 she was off school for two whole weeks with a cough. Her cough was so severe she couldn’t really eat properly. By the end of October her cough had gone, but she was then exposed to possible Covid via extended family. She started to cough again and by the time she returned home to Worcester, she was coughing again and had a severe headache. I gave her the NCM coughing remedy the evening she returned and several times the following day. I noticed an improvement in her symptoms immediately. She coughed less, and started to sneeze more. Within three days, she had completely stopped coughing and her cough didn’t return. It was incredible to see how fast she responded. This is the fastest recovery time from a cough that she has ever experienced. I continued with a maintenance dose for a few more days. Arielle has struggled for many winters with coughs and it feels like this remedy is a breakthrough for her.
Thank You - Diabetes and Chronic Lung Disease Patient
Rachel Alkalay has greatly improved my quality of life with the medicine she has developed at her company. I suffer from a lung disease called sarcoidosis, and this medicine improved my breathing, and made my cough disappear. Due to this drastic change, my doctor agreed that I can stop taking steroid inhaler, which I used daily. Furthermore, her treatment helped my blood sugar go down drastically, and I’m no longer considered pre-diabetic. I am forever grateful for her treatment and the medicine which helped improve my health tenfold.
Thank you!
From Ness Garti
Thank You - High Sugar and Diabetes Patient
“Thank you very much for taking part in your clinical research as a volunteer.
I am diagnosed as a pre-diabetes patient. I can confirm that before your treatment started on my blood testing showed a glucose of 111 mg/dL and that during your treatment i stopped taking any other medicines for sugar.
After four weeks of treatment, my blood testing showed a glucose of 100 mg/dL.
I feel well and I did not have any side effects.
Thank you very much “
Ness Garti, Israel
Thank You - Weight Loss Treatment Patient
Dear Rachel,
I can confirm I lost one stone (6.3kg) in six weeks using exclusively the weight loss herbal treatment in Novel Concepts Medical study. No other diet or food change. During these six weeks I walked 30 minutes a day, no other sports. In the weeks before I started taking your formula I walked 15 minutes a day.
I am on my way using your formula to get back my ideal weight.
Joy Johnson UK 🇬🇧

Thank You - Alzheimer's diseases Patient
An Interview With The Patient
The video interview below was filmed with members of two families in gratitude of the significant assistance to their mothers who have been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease and wishing to bring some hope to millions of other families of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.
In this video, Dr. Alkalay is interviewing Israela, and Shabi, about the impact of her Alzhaimer’s cure on their mothers. The treatment has been given for 3 weeks at their homes. Without any side have effects
Thank You - Cancer Patient
A Thank You Letter
Thank you very much for your effective Skin cancer treatment. I attach photos before and after the treatment. I can confirm that My ultrasound and CT came out clear after your treatment.
Vigi Levenhaim, Israel

Credit: Yankale Mazare
Thank You - Fatigue & Brain Fog Patient
A Thank You Letter
I am 65 years old and recently took your product in the hope it would help me become less forgetful and tired during my very frequent travelling between Ireland and Wales (to help out family over there). Within a few days I felt I had more energy and a “clearer” brain whilst travelling and had more get up and go once I arrived. I hope to be using this product every time I travel.
Thank you so much for the work you are doing on immune and brain health.
Jeannie Muscroft
Thank You - Inflammatory Diseases Patient
A Thank You Letter
Thank you very much, you gave me such information about my health at the right time, I can never forget this favor of yours.
Naresh Badoni
Thank You - Psoriasis Patient
A Thank You Message
Thanks Rachel for your medical it really helps me with problems of psoriasis thanks very much 🙏
Umar from India
Thank You - Patient with Multiple Diseases
(Back pain, chest pain, high cholesterol, fatty liver and sleeping problems)
A Thank You Message
Want to say thank you to Dr Rachel Alkalay, She gave me good treatment at the right time.
Thank you mam 🙏
(मैं नरेश बडोनी हूँ। कुछ महीने पहले मुझे सीने में दर्द हुआ था, इसलिए मैंने डॉ. राचेल अल्काले से संपर्क किया। उन्होंने मुझे ब्लड टेस्ट करवाने का सुझाव दिया। जब मैंने ब्लड टेस्ट करवाया, तो मेरा कोलेस्ट्रॉल, एलडीएल और सीआरपी बहुत ज़्यादा था। फिर डॉ. राचेल अल्काले ने मुझे प्लांट-बेस्ड ट्रीटमेंट दिया और कुछ डाइट प्लान भी बताए। जब मैंने उनका पालन किया, तो मैंने अपने स्वास्थ्य में बहुत सुधार देखा। मैं डॉ. राचेल अल्काले को सही ट्रीटमेंट देने के लिए धन्यवाद देना चाहता हूँ)
Thank You - Paralysis Patient
A Thank You Message
I would like thank Novel Concepts Medical and Dr Rachel Alkalay for helping my mother to recover after a brain stroke.
My mother was paralyzed in her hand and leg 5 months ago. She could hardly move or raise her hand. We tried different medicines prescribed by local doctors, both allopathic and ayurvedic, but their condition did not improve during that time. My mother was very hardworking, worked in the fields and was full of energy. Due to
paralysis, she was unable to work in pain and discomfort. 5 months later I contacted Novel Concepts Medical – Dr. Rachel Alcale, whom I have known for many years, and asked to volunteer in a clinical trial of a plant-based treatment developed by her in Israel. Today, after about 2 months, I can confirm that the paralysis of the mother’s hand has become much better. She can shake her hand and raise her up too. I thank Novel Dr. Alkale and
Concepts Medical for helping my mother save my life and health as she was suffering from severe pain (9 out of 10) and her condition was getting worse than before.
– Naresh Badoni