TEL AVIV, Israel — The startup company Novel Concepts Medical is delighted to announce breakthrough results reducing the size of cancer tumors in its research regarding our plant-based cancer treatment. Highlighted below are two case studies.
The first patient was a woman in her 50s diagnosed with breast cancer that had spread to the axillary lymph nodes. After treatment with our formula for six weeks, the cancer growth not only stopped but actually shrank in size, from 2.3 cm to 2.0 cm. No other treatments were given to the patient during this time. The patient exhibited no pain or side effects. The patient’s blood tests also showed improvement to a number of biomarkers during the time she was taking our formula, including glucose, C-reactive protein, cholesterol, bilirubin, and vitamin D. The treatment was taken by the patient in the comfort of her own home, not in the hospital, in room-temperature storage.
The second patient was an individual diagnosed with cancer. During 21 days of exclusive treatment in July 2022 our formula improved most of his blood biomarkers including the liver function of the patient; his gamma glutamyl transferase liver function has improved, his C-reactive protein (CRP) body inflammation indication has more than halved. His cancer marker CA19-9 has reduced. In addition, an MRI showed no new tumors in his liver during that period. The patient, a 47-year-old British man, reported that during the 21-day period while taking our formula exclusively he felt much better and experienced less tumor pain, which means our formula was successfully treating the cancer. The patient expressed confidence that the formula helped him, explaining that he knows his body and how it reacts, including when the cancer is active or not.
No side effects have been reported during our testing. During the period of our treatment, the man regained his appetite and energy, started to eat as normal again, and walked 5 miles per day with his dogs.
In comparison, after any chemotherapy treatment, he suffered severe side effects for a long time. Unfortunately, the patient died in December 2022 after being treated with a monoclonal antibody named Cetuximab.
For US, MRI, and blood test reports see