Reducing elevated C-Reactive Protein (CRP)
C-reactive protein (CRP) is a blood plasma protein that rises in response to inflammation, helping the immune system clear dead cells and bacteria. Elevated CRP levels can indicate inflammation, infections, and disease risk.
Case Studies
C-Reactive Protein Patients - Case Study 1
Here is one of many examples of the impact of our treatment on the reduction of elevated C-Reactive Protein in a very short period and without side effects :
On 5/7/2022 – before our treatment – the CRP has been 10.8
On 20/7/2022 – after our treatment – the CRP has more than halved to 4.3
On 5/7/2022 – before our treatment – the CRP has been 10.8
On 20/7/2022 – after our treatment – the CRP has more than halved to 4.3
C-Reactive Protein Patients - Case Study 3
Third case study results show CRP results before and after our treatment.
Before the treatment – 27/1/2024
After the treatment -19/2/2023 – result changed to be in the boundaries of the norm.
Once again, no side effects have been reported.
C-Reactive Protein Patients - Case Study 5
These are the results before and after of a breast cancer patient.
Once again, our treatment was the exclusive treatment, no side effects.
Tumor has shrank as described on our cancer page.